Category: Computer Science

  • How to take a Tensor Product

    Assumptions: This post assumes the reader understands the following: Motivation and Preliminary Information to understanding Tensor Products: In math and physics, we often want to represent two vector spaces as one. This, for example, is the case in quantum mechanics when we want to represent the Hilbert space of two individual systems as one combined…

  • Steps of Salsa20 algorithm and its applications.

    Assumptions: This article assumes the reader knows the following: Overview of Salsa20 Salsa 20 is a cryptographic secure Pseudo Random Number Generator and a cipher and cannot distinguish true randomness without knowing the internal state. It is designed to replace AES as it claims to have the same level of security with a faster computation…

  • Partial Trace in Quantum Mechanics?

    Assumptions: This article assumes the reader has basic knowledge of the following concepts: Introduction and Motivation to Partial Trace: Often in information theory, we have a composite system. That is, we have a system of the form: and we want to know about system A only. This goal is the motivation for a partial trace…